Love Tree | Teen Ink

Love Tree

January 24, 2011
By jsraffa BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
jsraffa BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep roots plunge into the lowest depths of clay and crust.
Wide, strong, and steady. Unmoving in any gust.
Taller and taller, into the atmosphere
It seems to be infinite.
It is infinite.
Thousands of branches long and plentiful.
With leaves of red, orange, green, and Safire.
Brown ones fallen to the ground.
Dead branches removed so only good health remains.
The overwhelming giant towers above life.
And birds, squirrels, and other animals find warm comfort
in its nooks and knots
Humans find rest beneath its canopy.
It is everything
It lives
Creates life
Defines life

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