The Great Deppression | Teen Ink

The Great Deppression

January 30, 2011
By Loveisaporcelindoll BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
Loveisaporcelindoll BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Deep sorrow filled the American heart
Everyone had to do their part
People were trading and selling their things
Raving about what life would bring
Even the little ones felt the pain
No toys on Christmas, or new clothes for school.
It is sad to say that the days were filled with great grief
There was help, though
From the NYA helping students with school
To social security, helping those who are disabled
But they were barely enough we still suffered
In the snow, rain and ice
And hoped that this problem caused but the stock market
Might soon come to an end.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for my history class.

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