I Listen | Teen Ink

I Listen

January 25, 2011
By nicole hunter BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
nicole hunter BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now I will do nothing but listen-
I hear the sound of his lips vibrating my pulse.
I listen to rain roaring outside his bedroom window
The desperate sounds of the night.

Nocturnal animals wake and stir-
Sputter like the alley people.
Searching the earth for survival
I join their fight.

The tears pave deep canals-
Their waterfalls evaporate and disappear.
There is silence which stills the air
Wiping the moisture away I listen.

He peels crisp dollars from his wallet-
A sound assuring me my job here is complete.
The horn of the taxi cues my exit
His lips whisper goodbye.

Much like the sound of a violin-
Full of sorrow and vex.
A harmony of classical music
Creeping down my spine.

Killing me quickly-
It’s only a matter of time.

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