The Broken Man | Teen Ink

The Broken Man

January 23, 2011
By Anonymous

As the flower petals drop and tears fled from his cheeks, he watches as his beautiful wife of fifty years being buried in the deeps earths soil and rocks of nothingness. His heart is being buried with her at the thought of never seeing her elegant face again and the memories fade away. The rain trickles down his old arched back and down onto the pitch black coffin that holds the old princess of happiness and love. As the casket is set down into the black hole of death and cruelty he wishes he could have taken back what he had said. The words run through his mind like and empty crossword puzzle of anger and astonishment. His grey eyes watch like a hawk as the dirt is thrown down with no emotion. Words fill the old mans mind, pictures run across his eyes. Everything seems like nothing in the mans mind. He watches as the last trickle of dirt is thrown down and the memories are buried. Sorrow and revenge fill his mind as he falls down on his wrinkled knee's and screams to the heavens. That is the end of the princess and the prince.

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