Tale of a Knight | Teen Ink

Tale of a Knight

January 22, 2011
By saifshaik SILVER, Dubai, Other
saifshaik SILVER, Dubai, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aweary,aweary stood a knight in his mighty armor
Ready for a battle not glamor
He would rather drink from Socrates chalice
To avoid the king's malice

Nay,he seemed lost and delusional
Was he actually bereft of his honor?
Whom to chose he thought
Family or the battle's rot

But little did he realize his wife's malicious plan
As she was part of the enemy's clan
The saga seemed too long
For the knight grew weak,not strong

He decided to end his misery by a vicious acerbate
But found an escape with help from his well trusted mate
Swallowing both his honor and pride he left the kingdom
To bring peace to his mind,not keep it under a false tantrum

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