Darkened Angel | Teen Ink

Darkened Angel

January 26, 2011
By Aricia SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
Aricia SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darkened Angel,
Soar through the night,
Darkened Angel,
You don’t want to fight.
Darkened Angel,
Why go on flying down,
when there’s still light to be found,
in the skies above you?

Darkened Angel,
Why did you leave me?
Why did you leave the light?

And when the world turns again,
You’ll be lost from me forever.

You used to be my angel,
Shinning your light on the world
And now you’re falling from me,
Into the darkness,
Your light’s going out
And the last words I hear are ‘GOODBYE!!’

Oh my darkened angel,
How can you fly,
into the darkness…

Darkened Angel,
Soar through the night,
Darkened Angel,
You don’t want to fight.
Darkened Angel,
Why go on flying down,
when there’s still light to be found,
in the skies above you?

Then there’s a movement,
I think I see you smile,
I’m sure I see your eyes,

And oh my Darkened Angel,
You’re flying to the sky.

Your light joins the stars and I know you’re smiling at me.
Your friend I will always be.
My guardian angel...

The author's comments:
This poem is based on a character in one of the books I'm working on.

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