Black Roses | Teen Ink

Black Roses

December 18, 2010
By Anonymous

I’ve saved them for something special.
And now is that special time.

I’ve waited for this to come.
Waited because I’ve nothing more to wait for.

Waiting for years.
Watching as time comes and goes.

Don’t know how old I am.
Been told I’m very young.

But as I sit here,
I feel so old.
So sore.

And now it is time for me to go.
Just like those roses.

They used to be beautiful,
Like me.

But then they died,
And went brittle

They aren’t supposed to be that way.
But, neither am I if you think about it.

So I just grab the roses,
Sit in my chair,
And wait.

Wait for something that should have happened awhile ago.
Wait while the world passes me by.

It was meant to happen sometime,
So why not now?

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