Playing Tricks | Teen Ink

Playing Tricks

January 19, 2011
By ky emery SILVER, Park City, Utah
ky emery SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nearly going cross eyed, you lean in closer.
Vision blurs, and eyes begin to sting.
Suddenly shutting your eyes tight,
You blink rapidly to loose all the tears.

Now as you gaze at the image, it changes its color.
Looking at the white wall, the image appears again.
Your eyes shift around the room, but the image still follows.
Finally fading away, you look down yet again.

There lies a little frog, plain and yellow.
But once you stare at him for too long, green appears.
Creating an optical illusion, playing tricks on your eyes.
He hops off the page, following your stare.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about my niece because she loves to stare at optical illusions.

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