Open Conversations | Teen Ink

Open Conversations

January 15, 2011
By Jazmine BRONZE, Clinton, Louisiana
Jazmine BRONZE, Clinton, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

More than you could ever know,

it was a new life for me.

Nobody wants to remember the pain, the sadness, the fear.

The calm is what I want to hear. No more drama,no lies, no games,

straight truth, be real.

Tired of Pinball and Checkers,

I want it all. From the start to the commitment.

I want the very best part of you.

Your flaws only make you shine, but when is it overrated for you

to return the favor.?

No, it has never been about what you think.

But for the very first time,"Love" is hard. It's complicated.

Not because of you, but somethings have changed

. For once, it's not about sensuality,

but the mind and where it stands.

That's the simple thing about it.


The author's comments:
What inspired me to write was this: someday in life, you have to stop playing games. Love is the game most play to win, but what if it's not a game anymore. What if it's serious this time?

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