Robot | Teen Ink


January 10, 2011
By RobbyFroster BRONZE, St. Joseph, Michigan
RobbyFroster BRONZE, St. Joseph, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"... and like the baseless fabric of this vision shall dissolve, and leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and are little life is rounded with a sleep..." Shakespeare's the tempest

Every Kind word so carefully
placed, built through courtesy
and yet no 'intelligence' no 'soul'
in surrounding ourselves, with our social network
we become artificial
we rust and break when the days are done
but at least we were part of
that equation... for a time.
These hands are cold and my
batteries are low
my screen is fading to black
I have disconnected for a month-
so my social software is outdated
I am no longer compatible
and to my corner I put
Dust to gather,
I was on top of the satellite
I saw the industries far below
but a few screws came loose
and now I have a soul.

The author's comments:
I went to work at a camp for seven weeks, and when i came back I found it slightly difficult to communicate with anyone, I wrote this because I believe the cause to be, facebook overdose

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