How was I supposed to know? | Teen Ink

How was I supposed to know?

January 12, 2011
By Anonymous

How was I supposed to know
She felt so much pain
How was I supposed to know
She never explained
How was I supposed to know

She grew up in a little hous
Always wore a smile with her faded pink blouse
After school we'd meet up
To talk about our latest crush
She seemed the same as yesterday
When anything was wrong she wouldn't say
So I just let it go
Because I didn't know

5am I get a call
A woman's voice, my friend had a "fall"
Or so the story goes
Nobody knows
That at night, she cries herself to sleep
She lost her dad last week
You can say it was a fall
That's not the case at all

When you don't say anything
How would I know your pain
Your would was a huricane
But you never thought to explain
So I'm left
With feelings of regret
I guess the news is now old
How the girl simply let go

The author's comments:
I wrote this after a girl at my school was killed in a motor vehicle accident. It wasn't her fault at all just one of those sad, unexpected events. Her friends took it really hard, along with the rest of the school, but after a week it seemed the girl was a distant memory. She didn't commite suicide, but this poem is for her and her friends.

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This article has 1 comment.

AWonders GOLD said...
on Jan. 24 2011 at 7:03 am
AWonders GOLD, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
18 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Problems are like the Ghosts from Mario, if you don't face them, they tend to follow you...

Sorry. Typing fail. Supposed to be "Your world was a huricane". I don't know why, but the second half of the poem is on the side. Hope you like (even if it is kind of depressing...) :P