Her Piano | Teen Ink

Her Piano

January 12, 2011
By Ivonne Kwan BRONZE, Fremont, California
Ivonne Kwan BRONZE, Fremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A bench full of wisdom and care
A place of sadness, rage, and wear
Every chord rings through the piano’s case
The notes echo with musical grace
She plays for an escape from loneliness
She plays for it is a way for her to express
It is her only place to say her thoughts
A place where harmony is sought
Her fingers move like a machine from out of this world
Stretching and crossing, but still maintaining curled
Loud to soft, fast and slow
The music leaks out and the melodies flow
Her soul and her eyes show no sign of dread
All her worries have disappeared and shed
Music is life, she loves it so.
Her piano.

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