All for Nothing | Teen Ink

All for Nothing

January 13, 2011
By JulzieAnn SILVER, Claymont, Delaware
JulzieAnn SILVER, Claymont, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's Epic"

A school full of daggers,
eyes glare into you, judging you.
They're grading you, telling you whether your at your best or worst.
The best you can be is never your "best", and the worst you can be is technically never your "worst".
Your teachers tell you there's always room to improve, and they don't want you to find out how far on that "worst" scale your able to drop.
You have piles of papers, schedules of projects, there has to be a break, but there's not.
There's no break at all.
Always work, work, if you want to succeed, study if you want the title of "honors" A's and B's one C.
Two Cs could ruin that perfectly pretty title, that title that screams, at least I'm being noticed on this piece of paper for being somewhat of a hard worker, they'd never put me in that class with the other bad half of my school.
We strive we fight so hard, we fight for papers, positive opinions, higher titles.
We push ourselves with every muscle to fight others to the absolute top.
When we graduate, we will look back, and see that we all did this partly, all for nothing.

The author's comments:
Grades, Teachers, School

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This article has 1 comment.

gleek1234 GOLD said...
on Jan. 23 2011 at 7:54 pm
gleek1234 GOLD, Burlington, Vermont
17 articles 0 photos 130 comments

Favorite Quote:
You did let me go you left me broken and heartless, crying out for help, with no one to answer my calls-Shilpa Pierpont-Hale ( poem) Love hurts

i feel the same way. i try to hard to succeed