Light at the end of the tunnel | Teen Ink

Light at the end of the tunnel

December 4, 2010
By Marylouisegarner GOLD, Applegate, California
Marylouisegarner GOLD, Applegate, California
15 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Eberythong happens for a reason"

Avoiding all eye contact
Trying to keep a smile
I sit there in agony
Keeping myself in denile

The only time I look up
I feel my stomache drop
I've seen that smile one to many times before
But i hold my breath to keep my heart from hitting the floor

My tears build up beneath my eyelids
A hug to push me over this edge
D*** these feelings I have
My internal battle leads me over the ledge

Sulking and feeling sorry for myself day after day
My emotions burts out from me like a cold winter rain
Tears sliding down my cheeks leaving me empty and bare
Trying not to care, so I can esacape this pain

Letting go is like giving up

But what more do I have to give

When I gave you everything

I gave my life and my heart away, so why do I still live?

Seeing so many smileing faces around me

All the couples kissing and holding hands

Why wasnt I good enough?

Why couldnt I just be happy and portray my old plans?

All I wanted was to be loved back

To hold on to that feeling I had when I was in your arms

But now its been rippied away

And the darkness and heartbreak swarms

Being pulled under into the darkness is all I feel

A masked vegenace of my past

Somewhere I had to have gone wrong

Because the love I felt so strong and pure, just couldnt last

What have I done wrong

To endure such a fate

I just want to give up

but everyone just tells me to wait

What am I waiting for?

If I dont even want to be here..

Its selfish to make me suffer

To steal your love away and make me feel this pain to bare

I Was happy..

I Had everything Ive ever wanted.

But it was stolen away from me

Now the memories is all I have left, leaving my every thought to be haunted

I can say it over and over again

But my words have no effect

Full of empty meanings

My once happy life has now been wrecked

The smile I give is fake beyond measure

The tears I have come put my eyes like rivers

My body aches

Leaving me to temble and shake

Thinking of ways to be happy

I come up with none

The darkness that enguls and consumes my being

Has finally won

Walking onto the bridge

Feeling the wind twirl my hair like a funnel

Who knows

Maybe I'll find that light im searching for

At the end of my tunnel.

The author's comments:
My emotions overpower my writing

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