Saying Goodbye | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye

January 7, 2011
By JeremyS GOLD, Sun City, Arizona
JeremyS GOLD, Sun City, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ever since we were little, we were always friends.
You would protect me through the pain and the hurt.
When we were younger, we couldn’t be separated.
I would talk while you listened, and you would listen while I talked.
But now, were older, I don’t want you anymore.
We’ve grown apart and I couldn’t care less.
I’m fine now that you’re with my brother,
I hope he makes you feel like you are loved and wanted.
I know we had memories, but those faded to black.
Remember when we would lie there on the lawn?
Or when we camped out in my tree house?
What about our trip up to Vegas?
Didn’t you like relaxing in the hotel all day?
Do you even remember the party I threw? Just for you?
Can’t you recall those memories?
Yeah, me neither, who cares? Not me.
Now, I’m going to forget you, you have better places to be.
If you ever need someone to hug or hold you, I’ll be there.
I guess I’ll see you around the house.
Just know that you were my favorite little teddy bear.

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on Feb. 17 2011 at 9:33 am
Alfilisara DIAMOND, Peoria, Arizona
68 articles 5 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
A word to the wise is unnecessary. It's the stupid ones that need the advice. -Bill Cosby

Aww, it's so sad! I don't even know what to say to that. You'd better keep writing like that. I love your stuff. :)