Battles | Teen Ink


December 11, 2010
By Anonymous

I fight with myself
so much
countless endless battles
all smearing into one
it is worse when I write
the Bald Half starts to win then
and it's worse at night
when I can remember the perfect planes of your shoulder blades
and the scent of your hair
and it's worse still
when I write at night
and those thoughts of you pollute my writing
but I do not always let you win
and by you, of course,
I mean the Bad Half of my self
I can laugh at you
and feel like I have won that
I can think
'he thinks I still care'
'he's more scared than I am'
and I can laugh
because of the pain I don't feel anymore
I can laugh because
I took my freedom back
and I laugh
because you know
(or think you know)
about my sanity
(or insanity)
but you're wrong
and I laugh because I realize
I don't care if you think that I'm insane
which proves to me that I am right
for when I don't care
I know you have no power
and my mind is once again my own
and therefore I am not insane
and I laugh because
the next night
I will fight you from entering my mind
and taking hold
and I will win
and if I let you
it will only be for a little while
and then I will push you back out
I laugh because later I can't laugh
and I must while I still can
and I must laugh
because I know
deep down
even though I can win a battle here and there
I have lost the war
so many times over
because I can neither have you
nor truly keep you from my mind
and I laugh because I want to pretend I can

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This article has 3 comments.

S M Wells said...
on Jan. 16 2011 at 2:09 pm
I can agree with that. And yet I believe it has been rather a combenation of both for me.

on Jan. 16 2011 at 1:57 pm
TheArchitect ELITE, Madison, Wisconsin
227 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
-Anything said by Mr. T
- Ill be in my bunk
- Im so clever that half the time I don't even understand what I'm saying

Thank you. I am glad that you think so. Poetry for me is more of trying to get a certain thought across instead of just being able to use pretty words.

S M Wells said...
on Jan. 13 2011 at 8:20 pm
The fisrt few times I read a poem of yours. All I could see were the faults. The lack of flow. The peculiarity of stile. But I keep coming back to reread it. And you've taught me something. That there is a deeper quality to poetry than pleasant reading metearle. Or a meloncholy thought patern well expressed. I realy believe your poetry. No matter how rough it apears on the surface. Will be one of those blessings that will stand the test of time.