Envy is a Dangerous Word | Teen Ink

Envy is a Dangerous Word

December 13, 2010
By Anonymous

High school can be difficult.

The classes,
the homework,
the cliques,
and the pressure.

Oh, the pressure.
To drink,
to smoke,
to have sex,
to fit in,
to know your direction in life.

Everyone around me as well as I are experiencing them. Yet, I stand alone, left to battle solo with another pressure.

The pressure to come out.
Walk straight on out of the closet, into an unforgiving world consisting of
dirty looks,
and secret sneers.

I envy those who are not faced with this dilemma. I envy those who do not have to keep secrets and love behind closed doors. Most of all, I envy him.

He, who has her.
He, who can wrap an arm around her waist, freely.
He, who can kiss her, any time he desires to do so.
He, who holds her precious heart.

And I, who never will.

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