Sounds of Happiness | Teen Ink

Sounds of Happiness

December 13, 2010
By Audrey Mayger BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
Audrey Mayger BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The approval drifting out of mothers when you see a toy
Butterflies bouncing in your stomach when spying on your sibling
Coins circling in the bubble gum dispenser
Water exploding after jumping in a pool on a summer day
The joyful exchanging of names
Speaking words of a new character in the world of make-believe
The springing of a trampoline
The giggles after trying on high heels
Screams bursting when an unexpected someone flips you upside-down
Eyes of forgiveness after making up with a friend
Taste-buds running wild after swallowing a Sour Patch Kid
Collapsing after a Twister Tournament
Rubbing of chalk before a game of hop-scotch
Blood rushing to your face as a roller coaster turns you upside-down
The over-pronounced giddiness after an all-nighter
Squealing sneaking past your lips when speaking of your crush
Intensity bubbling in your stomach after playing a game of night hide-and-go-seek with the older kids
Pride filling your ego when you reach the King’s Corner in Four-Square
Hot chocolate sizzling in your cup while trees fight against the wind on a snowstorm outside
Your name shouting out to you on the computer telling you got the lead in a show
Excitement tingling your senses before your first middle-school dance
The endless chatter running through the bathroom when you’re getting ready for your first boy-girl party with a friend
The maturity melting through your thoughts when you finally can see a PG-13 movie
Dialing noises absorbing your thoughts when you get your first phone
The relief and triumph for receiving an A on a math test
Wind whistling in your ear as you swing back and forth in the park
Excitement twisting your stomach when you say yes to your new first boyfriend
The indecisiveness melting away after you finally make the contact of your first kiss
Giddiness arranging a permanent smile after getting infinite amounts of attention on your first date
Laughter and stories circling the room during a sleepover with all your friends
Compliments from friends when you wear a new outfit
The silent exchange of content when you’re listening to new music with friends
Delicious Starbucks dripping down your throat after a rough day
Blasting music pounding the walls at a dance with your boyfriend and friends
Watching raindrops having races down a window when your mind drifts in class

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