Sometimes I'm Happy | Teen Ink

Sometimes I'm Happy

December 16, 2010
By eminemma BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
eminemma BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I’m just happy.
I want to sing like no ones listening,
To dance like no ones watching,
To laugh out loud like it doesn’t matter what happens.

Sometimes I’m just sad.
I want to cry,
To scream all my problems, thinking that would make them better,
To lose hope that the sun will rise in the morning.

Sometimes I’m just crazy.
I want to laugh at nothing,
To yell at everyone and everything,
To do something no one would ever expect, only to add an element of interest to my life.

Sometimes I’m just mad.
I want to scream into a pillow the things I would never dare say out loud,
Throw things until they shatter at my feet, making my feelings visual
To escape to a place full of flowers, unicorns, and tea parties where nothing goes wrong.

Sometimes I’m just childish.
I want to make everyone happy,
To believe everything I’m told,
To not have a care in the world.

Sometimes I’m just frustrated.
I want to break down,
To quit on my life’s hopes and dreams,
To give in to the pressure.

And sometimes, I’m just happy.
I want to frolic and leap, jumping from puddle to puddle when it rains,
To draw rainbows on all the walls, solely to break a rule while adding beauty to the world at the same time,
To smile at everyone, just to see him or her smile back.
Sometimes I’m just happy

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to show how much emotion I,a typical 8th grader, feels every week. I could in no way capture the entirety of it but this is as close as possible.

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