Bottled | Teen Ink


December 25, 2010
By black-sapphire BRONZE, Bismarck, North Dakota
black-sapphire BRONZE, Bismarck, North Dakota
1 article 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm in a fleshy tomb, buried up above the ground.
It's no use, why should I hold on?"
-Goodbye (I'm Sorry) by Jamestown Story

Tears of poison
infiltraiting my soul
please God make it stop
I can't handle this anymore

Tears of blood
stream from my blue skies
For I hurt myself to prove
that I'm stronger then you
but oh baby
I am my own worst enemy

Tears aren't here
I'm past that point
broken and abused
I'm the useless toy soldier
at the bottom of the pile

But when I rise
honey you better hide
for too many tears
have been
bottled inside

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