poison | Teen Ink


December 20, 2010
By SparkXzMcCoy SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
SparkXzMcCoy SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" no matter how much you succeed in life, dieing makes it a failure."

tranquility is not the norm, it is just throwing away everything that seems wrong. but based on a personal description everything you have done is what's unlikely delicate. your unliving. your a wine glass, easy to see through but hard to define. seeming less in formation, yet fills up with others annihilations,unbearable. undiscreationed purposely, stalking through the streets. a red blood line of relatives wail recklessly. but alas your heart doesn't beat. a scratched record of a mind urges repeatedly. but you cant even decipher the rhyming... rage en-fuels your non-existance tis more potent with flame from which you drink, have your fill. to be unfortunate to breath one's last breath unhappily made.

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