A Poem Written On the Virgin Islands | Teen Ink

A Poem Written On the Virgin Islands

December 20, 2010
By megsie2010 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
megsie2010 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rolling waves sweep past my feet
As I walk on golden sand.
I see the fish and little crabs
As I hold my lover’s hand.

The wind in my hair,
A guinep in my mouth,
I hear the music and say,
“Listen to the clack of rocks
Underneath the salty waves.”

The water is so clear and blue,
The sand as white as snow.
I watch as the baby blue sky
Turns to a soft, orange glow.

The old dog up by the bar
Is watching the bright sun set.
This, I see, is a beautiful place,
And one I’ll never forget.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote when visiting the Virgin Islands. We spent the entire day on a gorgeous, little beach, and left after sunset. Guineps are the little fruits that grow abundantly on the Virgin Islands. They are sweet and delicious!

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