A Thing Called Life | Teen Ink

A Thing Called Life

December 21, 2010
By Anonymous

It's such a small word with such a big meaning.
Life is confusing.
Nobody really knows how it's supposed to work. It never runs right for very long. It can have good and bad things.
Life changes.
People change and things happen. We like when life changes for the good, but we know that sometimes it has to change for the bad.
Life hurts.
People hurt us. We hurt ourselves. We sometimes lose things that we can't live without, but have to let go of, and it hurts. It hurts so bad sometimes. It hurts everyone at sometime.
Life is short.
We only have a certain amount of time to do certain things. We grow older every second and we change. Time passes us by and before we know it we don't have much time left.
Life is surprising.
We never know what is going to happen. We never know what is supposed to happen. We can't expect anything, things will always turn in different directions.
Life kills.
In the end, no matter what good or bad we've done in the world, it all ends. It happens to everyone. Everyone dies at some point and we never know when. We get confused, we change, we get hurt, we lose time, and we're always surprised. It's hard. But that's what makes it all worth living.

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