Through My Eyes | Teen Ink

Through My Eyes MAG

December 30, 2010
By Brett Cole BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
Brett Cole BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I once was the hottest product
On the market.
I once was owned by a young, nerdy boy
Who has now transformed into an elderly man.
My owner displays so much love for me,
It is like I am the ashes of his admirable father,
He will never let go of me for his life.

We have seen so much history together.
We have witnessed Woodstock, which is one of the
Wildest events in American history.
We were present during the most electric hockey game,
Where we observed the mighty Soviet Union get taken
Down and torn apart by the college players from the U.S.A.
And then, like a divorced couple, or a mother eagle and her children,
My owner and I split ways.

And now, I sit on top of a desk,
Where an 18-year-old kid
Keeps looking at me and typing.
He writes about my history,
And the intriguing life that I have lived.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 30 2013 at 12:43 pm
AlexaMarban SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Interesting. Really makes me interested in the story and what the object could possibly be

bhoyt96 said...
on Jan. 25 2011 at 8:12 pm


     Today in my 9th grade english class, we were reading your poem, I read it a few times and just did not understand it. The entire class was debating on what the object this poem was being written about. Some thought it was a computer, some thought it was a history book. I thought it was something that was new and upcoming a while ago and now almost goes un-noticed. I was just wondering if you could clarify.
