Losing Time | Teen Ink

Losing Time

November 28, 2010
By TH3innovator BRONZE, Farmington, Connecticut
TH3innovator BRONZE, Farmington, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes it takes someone else saying you are wrong to realize you are wrong
Sometimes it takes someone else saying you are wrong to realize you are right

I wrapped my clammy hands around time, pulled her close, and I watched her learn to crawl
One day she began moving with her feet, every once in a while she'd fall
I watched as she grew from a girl to a woman, right before my eyes
Then she slipped through my fingers, and as I looked down,to my surprise
There was no more time left in my rough, wrinkled, palms.

The author's comments:
This piece was written for my cousin Karissa. She has been like a little sister to me. Every summer when I finally see her again she seems so much older than I can remember from the year before. Even though this happens every sumer it never ceases to surprise me. When I see her getting older it makes me think about myself getting older as well. I don't feel like I'm getting older, but I am. Before I know it I am going to be graduated and in college. My whole life is right around the corner. Every time I see Karissa I am reminded of this. I know that I have to make the best of the time I have with friends and family now, because everyone grows up sooner or later.

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