Done With It | Teen Ink

Done With It

December 5, 2010
By MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life as though you would die tomorrow
Learn as though you would live forever..."

You say you understand
You tell me every time
But if you really do
Why still do I shed a tear and cry
Because of you
Because of what you do
Because of what you say
She’s all you want
She’s all you need
And I
I’m just a passer-by
A “friend”
A “bestie”
You like(d) me
You love her
You are to propose
Or so you say
Why do I even bother
Why should I even care
How come my world acts as though
It should revolve around you
A player
A jerk
The guy who makes my heart hurt
I said I was over it
And if you ask I will again
But I’m not
I don’t know if I’ll ever be
But I do know
I’m done with you
I’m through
Goodbye to you
To her
To our “friendship”

The author's comments:
Love is tough
Friendship is tougher
Especially with a flirting handsome, amazing, player

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