Ode to hairspray | Teen Ink

Ode to hairspray

November 30, 2010
By Deonne Davis BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Deonne Davis BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh hairspray,
Every morning...
Too many sprays to count,
You save me
from going flat.
From curls to a
Big tease,
You are my life.
What would I do
Without you... my
4 dollar can of greatness?
Even though
You only last me a week
I know that i can always get more.
You're at the store
Waiting for me.
You are my bestfriend.
I use you, then fluff my hair,
What can I say,
Hairspray, you complete me.

The author's comments:
I just wrote this poem for fun, hairspray is apart of my life. And the week that I wrote this I didn't have any, so it just happend to come to my mind. :)

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