Beware of Love | Teen Ink

Beware of Love

December 2, 2010
By Davinique BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Davinique BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Like a siren you are, mythical creature luring me to my death.
I can feel myself slipping further and further into my own personal hell.
Release me!
Free me!
Oh love, why must you mock me?
You can not possibly see my innate desire to be with thee.
Your watchful eyes condemn me.
I find my self drowning in your pool of disappointment.
Why are you displeased?
Why do you hate me so?
Have I wronged you in a past life?
Your opinions encase me, demolishing my being.
You enjoy it, my complete erasure.
You find comfort in my destruction.
Oh love, why must you become my folly?
I runaway from you frantically yet still you capture me.
In your arms I am imprisoned, yet free all the same.
Oh love, why must you make a mockery of me?
It is obvious to all that have eyes,
That you love, are the cause of my demise.
They wondered me of you, love.
Yet I was a fool, I did not listen.
Blinded by the light that was your love
The stories were incorrect.
I warn you young ones, do not accept the cliché.
Love is not passion.
Love is not roses.
It is not the thing that fairytales are made of.
Oh no children, it is far worse than that.
It is the very thing that will cost you sleepless nights.
It will cost you your everything, your only thing.
Guard your heart, it is all you have.
Love will blind you, torment you,and steal your soul.
All in all my loves, love will NEVER make you whole.

The author's comments:
Well I have been known to fall in love too quickly. I want to warn others of the consequences of love.

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