You Think You're Cool | Teen Ink

You Think You're Cool

November 29, 2010
By colby shaffer BRONZE, Tecumseh, Kansas
colby shaffer BRONZE, Tecumseh, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you think you're cool,
just because you cuss.

you think you're cool,
just because you dress like a s***.

you think you're cool,
just because you hang with the populars.

but truthfully,
you're not any cooler than the rest of us.

we just have different friends,
and intrests.

but on the inside,
you can be just as wierd as me.

when you're at school,
you put on a costume,
when you go home,
halloween is suddenly over.

wouldn't it make more sense,
if we were all ourselves?
because once people find out who you really are,
you'll lose alot of things that you love.

it makes no sense to me,
but i guess if you understand it,
have fun with halloween every day.

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