My Medusa | Teen Ink

My Medusa

November 18, 2010
By Ariel Fitchpatrick BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
Ariel Fitchpatrick BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like the face of the beautiful Medusa,
you seduce me.
the snakes may repel me for a second,
but your soft, gentle voice lures me into your den.
Knowledge is power they say,
and I know all about you,
but somehow I still find my eyes turning towards you to inspect your full figured frame.

I try my best not to look,
but I can't help it.
So I turn.
Turn to face you.

First my eyes slowly freeze as I blink to meet your stare,
but my heart and mind still waiting

Hurts to hear the betrayal of your soft, delicated voice.
My hand reaches out to touch you.
To get a feel for something that was never truely mine,
but it slowly turns to stone meeting your face.
A tear drop hits my palm as I lose all feeling
as I freeze.

A powerful weapon but also a vile curse
Being forced to hur the ones you love
One day you will be slayed
My Medusa.

The author's comments:
We all have our own personal Medusa in our life. Something or someone that is truely beautiful, but ends up hurting us. My Medusa was a person who didnt intentionally hurt me, but did anyway. I hope that when people read this they will think of their own Medusa and attempt to try and slay it.

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