The Trap | Teen Ink

The Trap

November 19, 2010
By Tifffffffffy BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
Tifffffffffy BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From high to low
From East to West
Each spirit you come in counter with will tell you none the less
That once you discover what you’re job here is to be
Your life sets it self from A to Z.

You can’t stop the course of life.

After your job is done you shall see the golden light
Here you will meet the man of glory
As you kneel in his sight
He tells you what you were suppose to be
While you sit and reflect it off of whom you are that day.

Slowly suffocating not catching a single breath
You realize you hadn’t been the person you thought you were
God has shown you each sin you’ve done and asks
“Why, my child, have you not asked for forgiveness?”

You just sit and say nothing while a button is slowly pushed
Sending you into the fiery pits of death
There he lives, the Devil himself gloating
As he reaches towards you with his cold, dead, grasp.
By causing the world to think less and less of God
And think more of their selfish needs
Not thanking the Lord for what they each receive.

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