I Am Change's Daughter | Teen Ink

I Am Change's Daughter

November 23, 2010
By achyst BRONZE, Scottsville, Kentucky
achyst BRONZE, Scottsville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Change is the rally cry of those around me. Too young to have a say I am the ones forced to abide, they gather in the streets, rally others though their cry. A nation blinded by fear and ruled by ignorance leads ourselves to the guillotine fashioned from our own fear and prejudices. A war within ourselves, we will fall divided, to engrossed in now to see the effects. At war with our selves and each other turning with harsh words and murderous actions. This is the change we have found, battling our own beliefs, hated by the world, we alienate ourselves from those who would stand beside us, the great protector laying down her bow in defeat as she watches her beliefs massacred in our streets for the world to see.
I am changes daughter these are the changes I see,
Our youth used as a tool to build compliance,
Our freedoms stripped and degraded
Our choice taken
Our defenses shattered
Those once protected left defenseless and under attack
Our hope a fading dream to far from consciousness to be kept alive.
I am changes daughter and only you can save me.

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