White | Teen Ink


November 9, 2010
By Mr.OHIO GOLD, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
Mr.OHIO GOLD, Bosque Farms, New Mexico
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

White is the ground laden with snow.
White is the forgiveness our parents show.
White is the pure we wish to be.
White is the light that makes us free.
White tastes like ice, falling from the sky.
White smells like ozone as the world begins to cry.
White sounds like lighting, the electrical strike.
White feels like peace, rejecting the fight.
White looks like happiness when you see her smile.
White makes me sit back, relax, and think awhile.
Without white in the world we'd see the rise of yin.
Without white in the world there would be only sin.
White is everything....

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