"...And You Say You're Okay?" | Teen Ink

"...And You Say You're Okay?"

November 15, 2010
By Isaak DeMaio GOLD, Williamsville, New York
Isaak DeMaio GOLD, Williamsville, New York
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The way you drop your head,
and bend your knees,
gets all too familiar,
(just between you and me.)

Confidence runs away,
every time you're let down,
through these hidden trees,
insecurity snipes you with self-doubt.
Fall gullible to your own shadow,
shame rains down from the clouds,
when that streetlight starts to flicker,
think of it as apathy turning on.
Loneliness awaits your visit,
while sadness eats at your mind,
a theatrical show of drama,
put on by your depressive side.

The way you drop your head,
and bend your knees,
makes jealousy jealous,
of your award winning social disease.

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