November 14, 2010
By LJ888 BRONZE, Tarzana, California
LJ888 BRONZE, Tarzana, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A convoluted river snakes its way down the trodden pathway of a million ancestors,
Charming in its mystique

The Pandora’s Box of a million dreams implodes and puffs out into a cloud of confetti,
Surreal and simplistic

The journey discontinues at the point of illumination,
But the illumination is obfuscated by the wrath of love.

The chambers of the heart reverberate with contradiction,
As the rainstorms breach the horizon

The waterless storm rages inside- oh glory!
Man is free, but everyone he is in chains

Hypocrisy is omnipotent,
And so a small child sobs somewhere in the folds of time

The gates of Elysium gape ajar,
But in the fiery abyss of emotion a stag is shot by the huntsman of fate

Offstage a cackling fit of laughter pierces the air,
The river now flows upstream

An overwhelmingly bewildered traveler halts and ponders: Does this poem actually mean anything at all?

The author's comments:
If you didn't understand the point of the poem, read it again.

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This article has 1 comment.

tooranchoola said...
on Dec. 3 2010 at 7:00 pm

good job! i love how creative this poem is ....