Washington University | Teen Ink

Washington University

November 16, 2010
By itsmeee BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
itsmeee BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe its not my weekend but its gonna be my year" all time low

The suns ultra violet rays coat my skin with a golden glow and warm my heart,
My soft heal rest upon the tick concrete edge of the bon fire pit,
I push slightly using my strong thighs to consistently rock me,
My chair is a soft beige color with canoe like legs allowing me to rock and sway pleasantly basking in the strong light.

I hear the sounds of heals clicking as stylish young students trot by flaunting their extravagant shoes,
Each child is unique, different: hair, skin, clothes, and Minds,
Their warm smiles let on that through their tough exteriors and fierce desire to win they welcome you,

The stone building tower above you but are not intimidating,
They are not obstacles in your path,
They are works of art meant to be used and admired,
The castle like architecture symbolizes respect and discipline,
Accompanied by tall blissful trees these giants create an ideal campus environment,
Only topped of by lime green grass so crisp if you gently place your hand upon it, it will poke your tender palm,
Majestic flowers of all shapes and sizes blanket the outskirts of the property,
Sprinkled with morning due they sparkle like dark lights in a city,
Pink, Yellow, Orange, Red, you name a color they are there
Soft, tough, thick, thin, you name it, they have it,
Even some random berries are scattered amongst trees all throughout,
Perfectly round balls of decedent flavor sit upon a Christmas green leaf, inviting you to gently pluck one off just to see it,

I tuck my knees into my chest and grasp them,
I sit back and tighten my shoulders, then release,
“Wow” I think, I can’t wait for college?

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece at parents weekend in St.Lious Missouri. I expressed my feeling about my brothers college. it was the first time i'd seen the college in person and i definitely liked what i saw.

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