Losing You, Remembering You. | Teen Ink

Losing You, Remembering You.

November 8, 2010
By kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love Conquers All"

I get the call,
A little after midnight.
You didn't make it through the night.

I sat there, silently.
With the phone still in my hand.
The dial tone humming away.
A single tear descended down my wasted cheek.

I sat there, tranquil.
For how long, I am not sure.
Replaying your life in my head.
I didn't leave a moment unaccounted for.

I pulled out our memory box,
And the letters you once wrote me.
I poured over every item.
Remembering what it was like to sit beside you.

As the clock chimed on.
And my heartbeat thrummed inside my chest.
I realized your heart would beat not again.

A new day started, the sun had arrived.
An inch I had not moved.
I had gone astray inside my own mind,
Remembering you.

The author's comments:
I lost a friend last year, he was shot. Shortly after his death, I was still struggling to cope with the loss. I sat myself down, preparing to write my feelings down in a jumbled paragraph. I ended up writing this poem, and at first, it wasn't great, I have to admit. I reworked it a little bit, and came up with this as the finished piece. I'm very proud of it, because it's something that helped me work out my own problems as well as bring out a great piece from it.

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