Monster | Teen Ink


October 28, 2010
By Charity.Coons BRONZE, Dallas Center, Iowa
Charity.Coons BRONZE, Dallas Center, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Monster
came along and swallowed my heart whole. A Monster with dirty blonde hair, always under a hat, mezmerizing brown eyes that analyze every peice of me, down to my very core. A Monster with a voice like ice, cold when unhappy sending shivers down my spine, yet calming like a cigarette when everything is perfect. I followed that voice and now I am lost, never to find my way back to reality. A Monster. A Monster. A Monster with a sin. That was my Monster. A Monster with an honesty problem a Monster with a secret. A Monster with a contagious smile. A Monster who will have a piece of me forever. A Monster that has my name carved into his heart.

The author's comments:
I met a guy. Hah, I should probably stop there but he was...amazing. Yet he wasn't the worlds greatest person, I loved him anyway. So wherever he is...this ones for him.

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