Life- A Grain of Sand | Teen Ink

Life- A Grain of Sand

October 29, 2010
By Gel1411234 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
Gel1411234 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your in a hole... Stop digging!

Tiny shining pebbles
crushed rock
Easily heated by the sun
Warm my bare feet—

Unique shells toss gently across the sand
crack under patterned flip- flops
natural beauty…
in seconds

somehow it remembers where every soul has stepped
leaving an imprint
in the soft sand
washed away
the rush of salty water

adding seaweed—
to a clear shore

Sun tucks itself in to the line of fresh water
lying beyond the horizon
a tornado of pinks, yellow, burnt orange

swirl in behind it

icy turns the water
remains a Beauty

With love—
The Sand

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece, keeping in mind my love of the beach, and especially the way the sand seeps into your toes! =)

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