Glances | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By FluentInLove SILVER, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
FluentInLove SILVER, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are you Embarrassed?
Do you wonder what they think of you?
If they pity you or fear you?
How they assume you got here?

Do you dwell on it?
While you’re trying to sleep?
When you know they’re watching?

Or are you one of those people?
One of those people whose circumstances make them Strong?
Can you ignore the stares and glances?

Do you have to?
Do you have more important things to worry about?
Or are you used to the looks?

Are you Embarrassed?
Even though it’s not your fault?
I think I would be,
if I was homeless too.

The author's comments:
My school holds an annual event to raise awareness for homelessness. In this event, students spend roughly 36 hours experiencing conditions that the homeless experience every day. They are provided with only the food that it donated to the makeshift “soup kitchen”. They sleep outside in boxes and are not permitted any luxuries, bar deodorant and a toothbrush. They must attend school the next day in the same clothes that they arrived in and slept in the day before.

I signed up to participate in the project. While doing so, I began to think of the embarrassment that the students feel sue to their appearance the next day. I started to wonder if the homeless were often self-conscious, especially those who have only recently lost everything. Is their appearance in the back of their mind or have their circumstances helped them to overcome modern vanities and focus on living?

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