Seeking | Teen Ink


October 26, 2010
By JuNo_ GOLD, Edgewater, Colorado
JuNo_ GOLD, Edgewater, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I write for the same reason I breathe." -Unknown
"If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing." -Hatebreed

You close your eyes in everlasting rapture
Impeccable ecstasy; undeniable bliss
Envisions of sublimity in all that exists

You’re drawn toward the peace of Shangri-La
Unforgivable acceptance; merciless love
Desire so vehement, you’re impatient of
The wait, the burning need deep inside
Singing as more than a deprivation
Rather a necessity you’ll sure perish without

There is no name for this requirement in life
There is no knowledge of its universe
Its capabilities, dreams, wonders, and perverse
Uniqueness to the rest
You close your eyes in everlasting rapture
Beyond determined to encounter these cosmos

The author's comments:
Written December 2, 2008
I feel that it's entirely overwritten, I practically need a dictionary to understand it, but I like it because it has a rhyme scheme that's very out of my comfort zone.

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