Fallen Hero | Teen Ink

Fallen Hero

October 21, 2010
By Tyson Picker BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Tyson Picker BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Laying on the ground,
the soldier gargles red water .
The men stare in fright
hoping he will make it through the night.

One man holding his head,
another with a canteen in hand.

As blood trickles down
from the hole in his chest
to the stretcher,
the soldier gasps for air.

….his heart stops.

Three tear drops hit his body,
as the soldiers weep for the man they just lost.

The soldiers lay bamboo leaves acrossed him.
The wind wisps around the motionless body.
His love and courage will always be remembered
Now people chant…
He was a hero, he is a hero, he will always be a hero.

The author's comments:
i was hoping to get truth out of this poem, because not all soldiers make it home and all of them deserve everyones respect and deserved to be called a hero.

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