I Hope | Teen Ink

I Hope

October 15, 2010
By xoxo_leena SILVER, Beauty, Kentucky
xoxo_leena SILVER, Beauty, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Writing is not a profession, but a vocation of unhappiness.

I hope when you look at me,
You feel your lungs start to tighten
And you can't breathe.

I hope when you look into my eyes,
You see all of the pain you have caused,
And start to feel all of the guilt
I wished you would've felt long ago.

I hope as I read this to you,
Your mouth drops open,
Your ears start to bleed,
And your throat burns
For all those times you didn't listen,
And all those times you yelled
Because I wasn't good enough.

I hope your stomach starts to cramp up,
Aching the most horrendous pains you've ever had.
Just for all those kicks and hits you gave me
That you knew I couldn't take.

"Can you tell me why?!" I scream at you,
While you're lying there dying in your own misery.

There is no answer,
There will never be an answer,
Because to you, you did nothing wrong.

So I turn, facing the opposite direction,
Leaving you in the dirt,
Alone, to cry, scream and yell.

I am done with you.

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