The Rules and Regulations of Euphoria. | Teen Ink

The Rules and Regulations of Euphoria.

October 13, 2010
By Terell BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
Terell BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The leather dances around her throat,
Searching for an opening
To the jugular,
Imprinting itself inside her windpipe.

She takes it calmly,
Letting the buckle cool her skin
Until the world itself
Chokes on its own suspensions,
Melting into the suffocation
For those ten seconds of
An ecstasy that can touch a
Lightning the second it hits the cloud.

It explodes.

She melts with the world
When the air is out.
She shakes when she tries to loosen it.

They find her eventually,
Wrapped up in the orgasmic nature of the leather.
It licks her skin still.
They loosen it.
She falls into the light
While the buckle hits the floor hard,
They try too desperately to remove its kiss marks
From her neck
As her lungs fall in on themselves.

The author's comments:
While in class, a girl told me about this "game" known as the Choking Game and how idiotic it seemed. Apparently, teenagers would hang themselves using belts to get a ten second high. This inspired me greatly, so I decided that I would write a poem about a girl who decides to play this game, compares the effects to pure ecstasy, but doesn't realize that she's dying.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 29 2010 at 3:52 pm
blackamethyst GOLD, Centerville, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 132 comments
This is a great poem. You really convey the idea well. It's like a wake-up call for the people doing it