Why are teenagers so obnoxious? | Teen Ink

Why are teenagers so obnoxious?

October 12, 2010
By Becca123 BRONZE, Emerald Hills, California
Becca123 BRONZE, Emerald Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why are teenagers do obnoxious?
It’s like the ones that I don’t know actually scare me.
Tight jeans, sagging jeans.
Tattoos, piercings, always cussing loud.
Dude, what’s that about?
So obnoxious. Hella intimidating.

I remember when I was like super young
I would always look at those big kids
“dude, wtf, hella, oh mah gawd”
Told myself I would never speak like that
Well, what happened?

How to describe being a teenager?
I don’t think it’s possible.
Well, I’m a teenager.
I can describe myself, right?
I’m real, I’m fake. I’m independent, I’m a follower
I’m a good person. I’m a b*tch.

I have this obnoxious voice I put on.
“oh my god that girl is soo fricken annoying!”
Then I have what’s really going on.

That girl hurt me, so I’m going to make myself look better by making her look bad.
How would I look if I admitted that though? I would look weak.

Ugh there’s so much homework tonight fml.
Does my makeup make me look okay?
Can you see my underwear line?
Sorry I can’t hangout tonight, my mom grounded me because she’s PMSing.

Why didn’t I start my homework earlier?
Why am I so insecure that I obsess over my makeup?
What if someone sees my underwear line and makes fun of me?
Sorry, I can’t go out, my mom grounded me because I messed up, and I actually feel really bad.

I guess I’m fake.

Why are teenagers so obnoxious?


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