My Protector | Teen Ink

My Protector

October 14, 2010
By erin long BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
erin long BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looming over all the darkness below
Illuminating the division lines between both horizons.
The nurturer, the protector,
the mother
of all things sleeping quietly below.

Her innocence and purity
Ignite the child within us.
Deep craters for jumping on
its silvery surface
And no gravity
To float; mesmerized.

She’s constantly there to guide me,
no matter the distance.
Her comforting glow
shines upon my face.
If I were blind,
she’d be there.
If I were dying,
she’d be there.
If I were alone,
she’d be there.
That pretty little light of mine.

Our emotions hardly conflict.
Hers affect the tide,
and mine affect the people of its land.
She’s been there for all eternity,
I’ve been here for a mere seventeen years.
Yet she holds me close,
and protects me like I’m one of her own.

Oh, my lovely moon.

The author's comments:
An object poem for creative writing :)not completely revised.

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