Dear Diary | Teen Ink

Dear Diary

October 12, 2010
By ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A friend is someone who walks in on you when the rest of the world walks out.

Why is it you are best to comfort?
When I feel down,
You always know how to make everything alright,
Always my face gets rid of its frown.

Why is it you listen so well?
When I feel like talking all day,
Your ears always seem to stay open.
And tend to never stray.

Why is it you’re always there?
When I feel shut out from the world,
You always stay close by,
Waiting for me to be unfurled.

Why is it you make the tears come?
When I write out my pain,
Your pages become damp.
As my eyes put out rain.

Why is it you get the worst out of me?
When I write in your pages,
You get my devilish side to show.
It makes it seem I belong in cages.

Why is it you seem to know so much?
When I read through you,
You look as if you know my life’s story.
We are the same, but in two.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because when I feel sad I turn to writing. I hope people will also see the joy and comfort that writing in a diary or journal or just writing a poem brings.

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