At the End of the Day | Teen Ink

At the End of the Day

September 28, 2010
By J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont let the Daily Progress only be in a newspaper,but also in our lives as well"

At the end of the matter how much pain i may have caused,no matter how many times we've made eachother suffer,no matter how good the morning has been for us....AT THE END OF THE DAY....after im in one rooom and your in another,when u have ran out of tears to share,when it seems ive turned my back on you,when family members diss you and are never there for you when you need them...AT THE END OF THE DAY....when we've struggled and fought tooth and nail, when we begin to second guess eachother,when vases are broken and our voices roar..AT THE END OF THE DAY....Can you STAND here,whole heartedly, without a SHADOW of a doubt,no matter WHAT we have gone thru now and in the past and upcoming in the future...can you STAND here,RIGHT BY ME, look me in the eyes and still say,"baby, i am STILL in love with you"...AT THE END OF THE DAY...our love for eachother is ALL that matters...

The author's comments:
this is the definition of Real love in my all started with a question...when everything is peachy and good and etc,then yes anyone can say they love you and are IN love with you...but what about when everything is the opposite??? can you still say i Love you after we just had a big fight?? After we may argue on the phone?? when you find out a secrect thats been kept for so long..??? read it and judge love yourself,you may be suprised how you REALLY feel about someone you say you love....

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