September 29, 2010
By davidm. GOLD, McGraws, West Virginia
davidm. GOLD, McGraws, West Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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karma what you do happens to you

Speechless is what happens when you meet that certain one.
It's like you have never learned to talk.
I mean you can still walk, but talk is out of the question.
When you meet this certain person you can't do anything but smile.
You get the feeling that you want that second hand to just stop on the clock,
and time just stand still forever so you can hold that certain someone.
Although it doesn't always work like that; sometimes you lose that person.
Then you feel empty within, and your arms become empty.
You try and try to get that person back, but no matter what you can't get them.
Not even your charm will work, you feel like an orange that has been peeled.
You can't do anything but go on with the stinging citrus burn within pulsing through your veins.
So when you have this person make sure you make the times last.
You should take my advise because you may think it'll be forever but forever is nothing but a word.

The author's comments:
this article was caused by a girl that hurt me

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 11 2010 at 1:12 pm
krissynicole BRONZE, Brownwood, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 14 comments

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Dream as youll live forever live as if youll die tomorrow

this is good and so true