Diving | Teen Ink


September 19, 2010
By steezylishous BRONZE, North Egremont, Massachusetts
steezylishous BRONZE, North Egremont, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Penetrating the surface tension of my heart as
Warm gusts of chlorine carry me to end, in a haze

The rhythm of the droplets rolling down my skin become
A dance, My dance with the water rippling in the distance
Beckoning me into her pale blue body
Where thousands of eagerly judging eyes will critique
The quality our relationship

But not now. In this moment, in this haze, on this platform I dance
Not for the people, not for the judges, not for the crying water...
I dance for myself,
Springing to life as the music in my skin drives me to the edge
Bounding, Flipping, Spinning...Reaching out to her heart
The crowd goes silent, as she gently murmurs her love
Three rings of white marking where we met

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